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INVICTI (formerly named Netsparker)

Invicti, formerly known as Netsparker, is a prominent automated web application security scanner designed to identify vulnerabilities such as SQL Injection and Cross-Site Scripting (XSS). This section guides through the initial steps to properly install and configure Invicti, ensuring it is optimized for comprehensive and efficient security scanning.


Section 1

Installation & Setup

Invicti, formerly known as Netsparker, is a prominent automated web application security scanner designed to identify vulnerabilities such as SQL Injection and Cross-Site Scripting (XSS). This section guides through the initial steps to properly install and configure Invicti, ensuring it is optimized for comprehensive and efficient security scanning.

Begin by downloading the latest version of Invicti from the official website. Ensure your system meets the software’s requirements before proceeding. The installation process varies slightly between Windows, macOS, and Linux systems. For Windows, run the downloaded installer and follow the on-screen prompts, accepting the license agreement and selecting the destination folder. For macOS and Linux, you may need to extract the package and run the installation script through the terminal.

Once the installation is complete, launch the application. You will likely be prompted to enter a license key, which you should have received upon purchasing or registering for a trial. Enter the key to activate the full range of features available in Invicti.

After installation and activation, it’s time to configure Invicti for your specific needs. Begin by setting up your first project or scan. You can choose to configure global settings or adjust settings per scan, including scan scope, depth, and speed. It’s important to tailor these settings to balance between thoroughness and performance based on your specific requirements.

Additionally, configure your notification settings and integration options, such as email alerts or integration with issue trackers and continuous integration systems. This ensures that you and your team are promptly informed about any findings or scan completions.

Users may encounter issues such as license activation problems, connectivity issues, or problems with scanning specific web applications. If you face license issues, verify that you’ve entered the key correctly and check your internet connection. For connectivity problems, ensure that Invicti can reach your web applications and that there are no firewalls or network settings blocking the connection.

If you’re experiencing difficulties scanning certain applications, review the scan settings, and ensure that Invicti is configured to handle the specific technologies used by your web application. Checking the log files and consulting Invicti’s support documentation or customer service can also provide guidance and solutions.

Section 2

Features and Capabilities

Invicti stands out for its comprehensive scanning capabilities and unique features designed to streamline web application security testing. This section explores the depth and breadth of Invicti’s features and how they can be leveraged to secure web applications effectively.

Invicti’s core features include its advanced scanning engine capable of detecting a wide range of vulnerabilities, from injection flaws to misconfigurations. The Proof-Based Scanning™ technology is particularly noteworthy, providing verified results to minimize false positives. This means that when Invicti reports a vulnerability, it also provides proof of exploitability, reducing the time needed for manual verification.

The tool also offers comprehensive reporting capabilities, generating detailed reports suitable for various stakeholders, from technical staff to executive management. Invicti’s crawling technology is designed to thoroughly map out even the most complex web applications, ensuring that no part of your site is left untested.

Invicti is used across various sectors and projects, from small web applications to large-scale enterprise systems. It is particularly valuable in continuous integration/continuous deployment (CI/CD) environments, where it can automatically scan new builds for vulnerabilities, integrating seamlessly with development workflows.

Its use cases extend beyond mere vulnerability detection; it is also used for regulatory compliance, such as meeting GDPR, HIPAA, or PCI DSS requirements. Security teams use Invicti to automate their security auditing processes, allowing them to focus on remediating identified issues rather than finding them.

While Invicti is a powerful tool, it has its limitations. For instance, while its Proof-Based Scanning™ reduces false positives, no automated system can entirely eliminate them. Additionally, the complexity and depth of the scans can result in longer scan times, especially for large or complex web applications.

The tool may also have limitations in scanning applications that heavily rely on unconventional frameworks or architectures. Furthermore, while Invicti does support API scanning, its capabilities might not cover all possible API architectures and technologies comprehensively.

Section 3

Advanced Usage and Techniques

For advanced users, Invicti offers several sophisticated features and functionalities that enhance web application security testing. This section delves into these advanced aspects, along with best practices and recommendations for integrating Invicti into broader security strategies.

Advanced users can benefit from Invicti’s API, which allows for integration with custom tools and workflows, enabling automated scanning within CI/CD pipelines. Additionally, the tool’s scripting engine allows for the creation of custom scripts to automate specific tasks or handle unique application behaviors during scans.

Another advanced feature is its authentication capabilities, enabling the scanner to effectively test password-protected areas of applications. Invicti can handle various authentication mechanisms, ensuring comprehensive coverage of the application.

To get the most out of Invicti, regularly update the software to ensure access to the latest features and vulnerability checks. Customize scan policies to fit the specific technologies and architecture of your web applications, and utilize the tool’s scheduling features to automate regular scans.

Engage with the results critically, prioritizing the remediation of confirmed vulnerabilities, and use the detailed information provided by Invicti to understand and fix the underlying issues. Also, leverage the collaborative features by sharing scan results and reports with relevant stakeholders to streamline remediation efforts.

Integrating Invicti with other tools in your development and security ecosystem can significantly enhance its value. This includes integration with issue tracking systems like JIRA, CI/CD platforms like Jenkins, and communication tools like Slack.

Such integrations facilitate a streamlined workflow where vulnerabilities are automatically reported, tracked, and addressed as part of the software development lifecycle, reinforcing the security posture of your applications and ensuring that security is a continuous process.

Section 4


Understanding common questions and concerns about Invicti can help users maximize the tool’s effectiveness and integrate it smoothly into their security practices. This section addresses these FAQs and clarifies prevalent misconceptions.

  • What is Invicti? Invicti is a web application security scanner designed to identify vulnerabilities automatically.
  • How does Invicti differ from other scanners? Invicti uses Proof-Based Scanning™ to provide verified results, reducing false positives.
  • Can Invicti scan APIs? Yes, Invicti can scan and identify vulnerabilities in web APIs.
  • Is Invicti suitable for large enterprises? Yes, Invicti scales to support large-scale web applications and can be integrated into enterprise workflows.
  • How often should I scan my applications with Invicti? Regular scans are recommended, especially after updates or changes to your web applications.

  • Misconception: Invicti can replace manual testing. Reality: While it significantly reduces the need for manual testing, it should complement manual security assessments.
  • Misconception: Invicti only finds common vulnerabilities. Reality: Invicti is designed to detect a wide range of vulnerabilities, including complex and less common ones.
  • Misconception: Invicti’s scans are intrusive and can harm my web applications. Reality: Invicti’s scans are designed to be safe for production environments, though caution and proper settings are advised.
  • Misconception: Invicti is too complex for small businesses. Reality: Invicti offers different editions suitable for all business sizes, including small businesses.
  • Misconception: Automated scans like those from Invicti are all that’s needed for web security. Reality: Automated scans are a crucial part of web security, but they should be part of a comprehensive security strategy.