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Veracode is a comprehensive cloud-based application security testing platform that enables organizations to identify, manage, and mitigate security vulnerabilities in their web, mobile, and desktop applications. It provides a suite of security analysis tools, including static, dynamic, and manual testing, integrated into the software development lifecycle, making it an essential solution for achieving secure software development in DevSecOps environments.


Section 1

Installation & Setup

Veracode provides a comprehensive cloud-based service for securing web applications throughout the software development life cycle. This section guides you through the necessary steps to get started with Veracode, ensuring you can leverage its full capabilities for your security testing needs.

Since Veracode is a cloud-based platform, there is no traditional installation process required for the main service. Access to its features is typically through a web browser or through its integrations with existing development tools. However, to use Veracode’s integrations and plugins, such as those for IDEs (Integrated Development Environments) or CI/CD pipelines, download the relevant plugins or tools from the Veracode Platform.

After downloading, install the plugins into your respective development or build environments following the provided instructions. This might involve adding extensions to your IDE or configuring build steps in your CI/CD system to include Veracode scans. Ensure that you have the necessary permissions and network access to install and configure these integrations.

Begin by creating a Veracode account through their website. Once your account is set up, configure your user settings, including setting up two-factor authentication for enhanced security. Next, familiarize yourself with the Veracode Platform’s dashboard and begin setting up your first application profile, specifying details such as application name, description, and risk level.

Configure your scan settings according to the nature of your application and your specific security requirements. If using Veracode integrations, ensure they are correctly configured to communicate with the Veracode Platform, including API credentials and any necessary endpoint configurations.

Users might encounter issues related to network configurations blocking access to Veracode’s cloud services or problems with integrating Veracode’s tools into their development environments. Ensure that your firewall and network settings allow traffic to and from Veracode’s platforms. For integration issues, double-check that you have correctly followed the installation and configuration instructions for each tool or plugin.

If you experience issues with scan configurations or results, review Veracode’s documentation and ensure your application is prepared for scanning according to Veracode’s guidelines. For persistent issues, contact Veracode support for assistance.

Section 2

Features and Capabilities

Veracode delivers a robust set of features designed for comprehensive application security testing and management. This section outlines the core capabilities of Veracode and how they can be applied to enhance application security.

Veracode provides Static Application Security Testing (SAST), Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST), Software Composition Analysis (SCA), and Manual Penetration Testing to cover a wide spectrum of security testing needs. Its SAST solution scans source code, binaries, and byte code to identify security flaws without requiring a running application, while DAST scans running web applications to detect vulnerabilities like SQL injections and cross-site scripting.

The SCA feature of Veracode helps identify vulnerabilities within open-source components and libraries used in your applications. Additionally, Veracode offers Greenlight, a service that scans code in real-time directly within the IDE, providing immediate feedback to developers as they code.

Veracode is used across various stages of the software development lifecycle, from early development phases to post-deployment. It is particularly effective in DevSecOps environments, allowing teams to integrate security testing directly into their development and deployment processes.

Organizations use Veracode to comply with industry regulations and standards, reduce the risk of security breaches, and improve the overall security posture of their applications. It is suitable for businesses of all sizes, from startups to large enterprises, across various industries.

While Veracode offers comprehensive testing capabilities, it may not identify all possible vulnerabilities, especially in very complex or bespoke applications. Its SAST solution might not fully understand the business context or logic specific to your application, which could lead to false positives or false negatives.

The effectiveness of Veracode’s DAST and manual testing services can depend on the completeness of the scan configurations and the scope of the tests. Additionally, the cost of the service might be a barrier for smaller organizations or individual projects.

Section 3

Advanced Usage and Techniques

Maximizing the potential of Veracode requires understanding and utilizing its advanced features and integrating security testing seamlessly into development workflows.

Veracode’s API provides extensive capabilities for automating scans and integrating security testing into CI/CD pipelines, allowing for seamless DevSecOps workflows. The platform also offers advanced role-based access control (RBAC) to manage user permissions and access to different parts of the application portfolio effectively.

Advanced policy management allows organizations to define and enforce consistent security standards across all their applications. Veracode also provides detailed analytics and reporting features to track vulnerability trends, measure improvement over time, and demonstrate compliance with security standards.

Integrate Veracode scans early and often in the development lifecycle to identify and address security issues sooner. Use the results of Veracode scans to educate developers about secure coding practices and common vulnerabilities.

Establish a baseline for your application’s security and regularly review and adjust your security policies and practices based on evolving threats and business requirements. Leverage Veracode’s reporting and analytics tools to communicate security metrics and progress to stakeholders.

Integrate Veracode with your IDEs, build systems, and issue tracking tools to streamline the remediation process and reduce the time from finding vulnerabilities to fixing them. Use Veracode’s API to customize integrations and automate workflows according to your organization’s needs.

Combining Veracode with other security tools and practices, such as threat modeling and risk assessment, can provide a more holistic approach to application security.

Section 4


Addressing frequent questions and clarifying common misconceptions can help users effectively leverage Veracode in their security testing efforts.

  • What is Veracode? Veracode is a cloud-based application security testing platform.
  • Can Veracode scan any type of application? Veracode can scan a wide range of applications, including web, mobile, and desktop applications.
  • How does Veracode ensure the security of scanned data? Veracode follows strict data security and privacy protocols to protect scanned data.
  • Can Veracode be used in agile development environments? Yes, Veracode is designed to fit into agile and DevSecOps workflows.
  • Does Veracode offer training for developers? Yes, Veracode provides educational resources and training to help developers understand and remediate security issues.

  • Misconception: Veracode can automatically fix detected vulnerabilities. Reality: Veracode identifies vulnerabilities; fixing them requires developer intervention.
  • Misconception: Veracode is only for large enterprises. Reality: Veracode is suitable for organizations of all sizes.
  • Misconception: Veracode replaces the need for manual security testing. Reality: Veracode complements, but does not replace, manual security testing.
  • Misconception: Veracode only performs static analysis. Reality: Veracode offers both static and dynamic analysis, among other testing types.
  • Misconception: Using Veracode guarantees a 100% secure application. Reality: No tool can guarantee complete security, but Veracode significantly reduces the risk of vulnerabilities.