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Recon-NG is a powerful web-based reconnaissance framework designed for information gathering and vulnerability identification in the field of cybersecurity. It utilizes a modular approach, allowing users to efficiently collect and analyze data about a target using a variety of tools and techniques integrated within its ecosystem.


Section 1

Installation & Setup

Recon-NG is a powerful reconnaissance framework designed for information gathering and vulnerability scanning in cybersecurity. Installation and setup are straightforward but require attention to detail to ensure the tool functions correctly.

To install Recon-NG, you will need Python 3.7 or newer. First, ensure that Python and pip are installed on your system. You can verify this by running python --version and pip --version in your terminal. If Python is not installed, download and install it from the official Python website.

python --version && pip --version

Once Python and pip are ready, you can install Recon-NG by cloning the repository from GitHub using the command: git clone

git clone

Navigate into the cloned directory using cd recon-ng.

cd recon-ng

Install the required dependencies by running pip install -r REQUIREMENTS.

pip install -r REQUIREMENTS

Finally, start Recon-NG by typing ./recon-ng in the terminal. This should launch the Recon-NG interface.


After installing Recon-NG, the first step is to configure your environment. Inside the Recon-NG terminal, type workspaces create <workspace_name> to create a new workspace where your project’s data will be stored.

workspaces create <workspace_name>

Next, configure API keys for modules that require them by using the keys add command followed by the module name and the API key. For example, keys add google_api <your_api_key>. These keys are necessary for modules that gather data from external services like Google, Twitter, or Shodan.

keys add google_api <your_api_key>

Some common issues include problems with missing dependencies or API limits being exceeded. If a dependency is missing, the tool will usually inform you during startup or when you attempt to run a module. Install any missing dependencies individually using pip. For API issues, ensure your keys are correctly entered and have not exceeded their usage limits. If you encounter any errors or issues, check the Recon-NG GitHub issues page or consult the documentation for solutions.

Section 2

Features and Capabilities

Recon-NG is equipped with a wide range of modules and capabilities designed to streamline the reconnaissance phase of a security assessment.

Recon-NG provides modules for discovering hosts, harvesting emails, finding vulnerabilities, and more. Its modular framework allows for the easy development and integration of new modules. Key features include the ability to automate tasks, integration with major APIs, and the flexibility to export data in various formats. Modules are categorized into different types, such as discovery, reporting, and exploitation, making it easier to navigate through the tool’s capabilities.

This tool is particularly useful for penetration testers, security researchers, and IT professionals. Use cases include domain and subdomain enumeration, email gathering for phishing campaigns, identifying exposed services and vulnerabilities, and collecting open-source intelligence (OSINT). Recon-NG’s versatility makes it a valuable tool in the early stages of a security audit to gather as much information as possible about the target.

While Recon-NG is powerful, it has limitations. The effectiveness of information gathering is heavily dependent on the API keys and services used. Some modules may provide outdated or incomplete data if not properly maintained.

Additionally, without proper configuration and understanding, users might not utilize its full potential. It’s also important to note that aggressive scanning and data collection may violate laws or terms of service, so always ensure ethical and legal use of the tool.

Section 3

Advanced Usage and Techniques

As users become more familiar with Recon-NG, they can leverage its advanced features to conduct more in-depth reconnaissance.

Advanced users can create custom modules or modify existing ones to fit their specific needs. Recon-NG supports scripting that allows for automated task execution, making it possible to chain different modules and tasks to gather comprehensive datasets.

Additionally, using the reporting modules, users can generate detailed reports of their findings.

To get the most out of Recon-NG, regularly update the tool and its modules to ensure you have the latest features and fixes. Organize your findings by using different workspaces for different projects.

Be mindful of rate limits and API usage to avoid being blocked by services. Lastly, always validate the information collected manually to confirm its accuracy and relevance.

Recon-NG can be integrated with other tools and systems for enhanced functionality. For instance, findings from Recon-NG can be exported to formats suitable for other security tools. Data collected can be used with tools like Metasploit for vulnerability exploitation or imported into reporting tools for comprehensive analysis.

Section 4


Understanding common questions and misconceptions about Recon-NG can help users maximize its potential.

  • Q: How do I update Recon-NG and its modules? A: Run git pull in the Recon-NG directory to update the framework. For modules, use the marketplace install command within Recon-NG to update or reinstall modules.
  • Q: Can I use Recon-NG without API keys? A: Yes, but functionality will be limited. Many modules require API keys to gather data from external services.
  • Q: Is it legal to use Recon-NG for reconnaissance? A: It depends on your jurisdiction and the target. Always obtain proper authorization before gathering data about a target to avoid legal issues.

  • Recon-NG is not a hacking tool but a reconnaissance framework. Its purpose is information gathering, not exploitation.
  • Not all modules will work out of the box without proper configuration and API keys.
  • Recon-NG requires an understanding of cybersecurity concepts and should be used responsibly and ethically.


Section 5


This section provides a concise overview of essential Recon-NG commands that are vital for navigating and utilizing the framework effectively. Each command is accompanied by a brief title and a one-sentence description, making it easier for users to understand their purpose and application within the tool.

Lists all the current workspaces in Recon-NG.

workspaces list




Creates a new workspace with the specified name for project segregation.

workspaces create <name>




Loads the specified module for use in the current session.

modules load <module_name>





Sets a value for a specific option in the currently loaded module.

options set <option> <value>





Executes the currently loaded module with the set options.






Adds an API key for use with the specified module.

keys add <module> <key>





Displays all API keys currently stored in Recon-NG.

keys list





Searches the marketplace for modules matching the specified keyword.

marketplace search <keyword>





Installs the specified module from the marketplace.

marketplace install <module_name>





Displays information about the currently loaded module, including required options and a description.






The cybersecurity information provided on this site is strictly for educational use. We hold no responsibility for misuse and urge users to apply these skills ethically, on networks or systems where they have explicit authorization – such as a private home lab.